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Maximizing your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign

Thanks for your commitment to education equity and generational prosperity for BIPOC and low-income communities. By creating a peer-to-peer fundraiser, you increase your impact by creating a personalized campaign page to mobilize friends, family, and colleagues to secure vital fundraising dollars and spread awareness for this cause close to your heart. Setting up your peer-to-peer campaign will take less than 10 minutes!

Click to Get Started!

View/Download document for Step-by-Step instructions

Peer-to-Peer LB Campaign.png

Frequently Asked Questions


Are donations to my campaign tax-deductible as well?

Yes, Leadership Brainery is 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, and every donation to the organization is eligible for deductions. Those who donate to your campaign will receive an automatic email and receipt from Leadership Brainery.


How do I access outreach and thank you email templates?

Once you create your fundraiser, you will notice a toolbar at the top of your window. Click "DONOR ASK TEMPLATES" to access pre-made outreach email templates to send your family and friends. Click "DONOR THANK YOU TEMPLATES" to send your thanks.  Please feel free to make any necessary changes to the email templates. 


Are there graphics I can post with my campaign?

Yes! Sharing photos with your ask through social media, text messages or emails is a great way to maximize engagement. You can use the pre-made graphics or feel free to make your own. 

Click here to view downloadable fundraising graphics.


What programs should I highlight when talking with potential supporters?

Your network would love to learn more about Leadership Brainery. If they ever ask specifics about LB programs, feel free to send a link to our different programs or even share our 2021 Progress Report. 

  1. Leadership Brainery Ambassador Program

  2. LB Connect

  3. 2021 Progress Report


Any quick tips?

Yes! Here are a few:

1. Create a list of potential donors. There are many people in our lives but some may be more willing to support this cause than others. Take 20 minutes to compile a list of close family members, friends, and colleagues who you know will support you and your efforts to do good in the world.

2. Continue to share why you are supporting this cause. While your network may see this as a great cause as well, they also really want to support you. Continue to share why you were moved to start a peer-to-peer fundraiser. 

3. Post on social media. Yes, emailing and text messaging can garner responses from specific people, but social media may reach others who you did not originally think about.

4. Update past donors of your progress. Those who support your campaign love to receive updates on how things are going and may even donate again to help you reach your goal. Log-in to your campaign and click "SEND PROJECT UPDATES" in the toolbar at the top of your window to notify your past donors of your progress. 

You got this! And we are here to help. 

Fundraising is fun! However, sometimes it can become a bit intimidating. Please know that you are not alone. Feel free to reach out to us for help or guidance at any time. 

Jonathan Allen, Director of Philanthropy

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